You will be able to set your own availability status to receive new orders on our website. However, if you set yourself as "Available" and you receive an order from one of our customers, we have to be able to rely on you to record your performance and upload it to our website before the deadline date and time that we will be giving you for each order.
Not everyone can hold a note. We’re looking for people who can sing consistently on-key and deliver a memorable performance video that our customers will want to show to their friends and family.
Everyone that we hire should have their own unique version of a “Happy Birthday” song. You can do your own rendition of the “Happy Birthday” song that we all know and love with a style all of your own or you can create your own signature Happy Birthday song that will make customers want to pay for your special type of performance. You can sing voice-only (acapella) or sing a song accompanied by actual musical instruments or a recorded soundtrack that you use over and over again in your performances. Duets and Trios are highly desirable and will be compensated accordingly.
In order to be able to work with us, you will need a smart phone with a good camera and microphone or a small studio to record your video performances and send them to us. You will need a quiet place to record your performances free of any distracting background noises. You will also need adequate lighting to show you at at your best during your performances.
Once you are hired, you will be recording your performances and uploading them to our website where they will automatically be sent to the birthday recipient at the designated date and time. At the end of the week, your commissions will be summed up and payment will be sent to you using a payment method of your choice.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please provide the information requested below and send us a sample of your performance. We will respond to you within 48 hours.